About Us
Our History
Excerpts of the memoirs of Dr.O. Eakins contain the following:
“During the period covered by my membership in the West Penna. Eldership, eleven churches have been received into the Eldership (Conference). The first one was during my first year as full time pastor, (1902-1903), which was on the Coolspring, Emerickville, and Rathmel circuit. It was only a few miles from me, and was added to my circuit the next year.”
The Grange Church came into existence through quite an emotional upheaval. A young man by the name of Smith died. He was from a leading family of the community. He had a very close friend, Jesse Hoffman, who was at his bedside as he approached death. Knowing he was dying, he asked Hoffman to pray for him. Hoffman was a backslider, and could not pray, but he was deeply moved by the request, and heartsick that he had failed his friend in the hour of his great need.
He immediately fled into the woods, and there on his face, he repented of his sins, and pledged to become a preacher. At the funeral, he had the officiating minister tell the people of his repentance, and announce that that very night he was beginning a revival with God.
They came, and many responded to the alter call that first night. The meeting continued for several weeks, and if I remember rightly, some sixty made profession. After careful consideration, of the various denominations in the nearby communities, they decided to organize a Church of God.
Hoffman served them as pastor until Fall, when the church was accepted by the West Penna. Eldership, and placed on the Coolspring Circuit. I served it the next year. The Eldership assigned Hoffman to the Markleysburg Circuit, where he had several good revivals.
(These are the memories of F. O. Eakins as recorded by his son, Arthur Eakins, late in his life.)
Grange was dedicated on May 8, 1904. It was one year old, and had 30 members at the time. It was started by J. W. Hoffman, and F. O. Eakin as pastor during the dedication, leaving in 1905, as recorded by S. G. Yahn in the Church Advocate 5-18-1904. Page 11.
Grange Church added and dedicated its first addition on October 29, 1978, and then later added and dedicated the second addition on October 27, 1991.